Your Afternoon Animal Fix – AdoPtville – PoPville

2021-12-29 15:46:53 By : Mr. Korman Luo

If you have any animal/pet photos you’d like to share for the regular fix please send an email to princeofpetworth(at)gmail(dot)com with ‘Animal Fix’ in the title and say the name of your pet and your neighborhood. AdoPtville is run by a volunteer who compiles these pets weekly from local shelters.

If you’re looking for a really great dog, adoptable Fauna (2 y/o, 42 lb, Hound mix) is the one for you. She’s loyal, quiet, curious, a sniffer, and is budding into her own personality. She has already adjusted to the noises and smells in a city environment and is learning more every day. She’s starting to get into playing with toys, enjoys spending time with people, and is beginning to learn how fun it is to play with other dogs! Fauna is a true cuddler — personal space is often not a concept for her: if she could, she’d be on you! For more information about fantastic Fauna, visit here.

Are you in need of a gentleman in your house? Well, 8 m/o Zoidberg is your guy — he has impeccable manners. He’s a champ at the litter box, knows how to utilize a scratching post, and could play endlessly with toys. He always has a grand time, especially if treats are included, and he’s sure to brighten your days too! This kitten will give so much love, and he’ll adore you even more if you give him some belly rubs too! Sweet Zoidberg is one of a kind — apply today by visiting here!

Sweet Kitty in Need of a Home

This sweet and friendly cat has been abandoned.

We’ve been feeding her for a few weeks now but the owners haven’t come back for her. She is indoor/outdoor and social with humans she trusts. We haven’t wanted to take her to HRA because she spends so much time outside and are looking into other options, but also want to put out the word.

She will be happy to greet you and tell you allllllll about her day! After we feed her and she has a good stretch, she wants nothing more than some lap time and to show her gratitude. She seems afraid of dogs but would probably like a cat friend– we already have a cat, and she wants to be her friend, but the landlord isn’t willing to let us bring her in.

We are hoping to find her a home soon before the cold weather really sets in.

If you have room in your home and heart (she will steal it!), please reach out: [email protected]”

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