Why you shouldn't treat pets as gifts-a green planet

2021-12-13 18:17:01 By : Ms. Dolly Guo

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Pets are great, and adopting a pet is probably the best money you have ever spent. If you can buy happiness, it will appear in the form of loving pets. However, giving pets as gifts to friends and family may not be the wisest idea. 

If you are considering giving a pet as a gift, here are some reasons you might want to reconsider. advertise

Pets can be a great gift, let's not get me wrong. Most people want to open their gifts just to make a puppy or kitten appear suddenly.

But that person may not have a pet for some reason, or even if they already have a pet, they may not have a pet for some reason. You never know if someone is capable of taking care of a new pet.

Although we love our pets, they are not cheap. This is reality. Pets need food, medicine, vet visits, living space, time and energy. They need a lot, which is why adopting a pet is a promise.

By giving pets as gifts, you run the risk of making your loved ones take on responsibilities they don’t have time or can’t afford. advertise

The worst-case scenario might be that they just don't like the pet you gave them. This is always a possibility, and it's scary!

They may not want a pet or like the pet you choose for them. They may secretly hate cats, what if you raise a cat for them? Some people may also want a pet, but want a specific pet. This makes it easy to give them a pet they don't really want. advertise

This created an awkward and difficult situation for everyone, with a helpless animal in the middle.

It is common for people to give pets as gifts to older people or children. Although it may seem like a perfect gift at first glance, after careful observation, it is really not a good idea. advertise

Giving an older person a puppy may seem good at first glance, but it's not good for any party. Puppies require a lot of work and require more energy than most elderly people. This is also unfair to puppies, because they are likely to live longer than their owners, and what will happen to them?

Giving pets as gifts to children is not a good idea either. Children may like to have pets as gifts at first, but eventually, the excitement will run out and they will face significant responsibilities that many children are not yet ready to take on. Once again, this is unfair to children and animals. If the children's parents do not stand up, they will be ignored.

Giving pets as gifts can also make children have a wrong attitude towards animals. It usually makes pets look disposable and unimportant.

When they grow up, they may think that throwing away their gifted dogs is okay, just like throwing away toys they no longer like. This creates a harmful mentality, thinking that animals are objects that can be dealt with, not sentient beings/

This is very bad for children and pets, and can cause children to grow into unfriendly adults who think that animals are here only for the enjoyment of humans.

Another risk when giving a pet as a gift is that the recipient of the gift and the pet may not be able to establish contact. One of the biggest benefits of adopting animals for yourself is that you can spend time with animals beforehand. This gives you the opportunity to connect with animals and find out if your personality blends well. advertise

Give someone a pet and you deprive them of the opportunity to choose a pet for themselves. This may mean that they are not getting along or their personalities conflict.

For example, giving a very excited and noisy dog ​​to a very quiet and calm person will not be very good. It is very important that pets and their owners have some similarities. In this way, they can be more closely connected and become better partners.

If you give your pet as a gift, you really risk creating an incompatible combination. In the end, it's a terrible ending not only for the person who gave you the pet, but also for the poor, unwanted animal itself. 

If you are still sure that keeping a pet is a good idea for your situation, then be sure to adopt it instead of shopping! There are many animals in the shelter waiting to find their eternal home. Don't support cruel puppy mills or breeders. Instead, make a home for one of the many animals waiting to find a loving family.

If you decide to choose different types of gifts this holiday may be the best choice, we have provided you with a lot of guidelines below!

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