Windsor's new Pelican Bridge will connect two communities

2021-11-22 07:28:58 By : Ms. Ella Liu

By mid-December, driving on 7th Street in Windsor will look very different, as the new pedestrian and golf cart bridge will be completed. The Pelican Bridge will be close to the intersection of Kestrel Drive in the Water Valley Master Plan Community.

Pelican Bridge will be the official walking and golf cart connection between the two Windsor communities. Water valley and flying rain.

The CEO of Windsor Water Valley and developer of Water Valley and RainDance communities said: "This vision has been brewing for nearly 20 years." Linde stated that the land had to be purchased, the road redesigned, and the 7th Street was graded 15 years before the construction of the Pelican Bridge began.

The specifications of the Windsor Pelican Bridge include a wingspan of 194 feet and a height of 17 feet. The road from the bottom of the bridge to Seventh Street is approximately 35 feet and 12 feet wide.

We saved the best part of Windsor Pelican Bridge for last. During the day, the bridge will be a beautiful landscape. However, at night, the bridge will come alive with the lights. Martin Lind said: "The magnificent scenery during the day will be appreciated by everyone, but at night, this building will become a landmark." During the holidays, the Pelican Bridge will shine with Christmas colors. During Independence Day, the bridge will also be painted red, white and blue.

We can’t wait to see Windsor’s new Pelican Bridge open in the next few weeks.