Thanksgiving 2021: Tips for a Pet Safety Holiday

2021-11-22 07:39:16 By : Mr. Aaron Liu

From food safety to travel safety, here are some tips on how to keep our furry friends safe during Thanksgiving and holidays.

Los Angeles-Thanksgiving is a special holiday that brings family and friends together, but it may cause some harm to pets. 

From holiday foods that must stay away from animals to pet owners who travel and need to transport their pets safely, the American Veterinary Medical Association reveals tips for keeping furry friends happy and safe during Thanksgiving and holidays.

Excessive indulgence in family feasts may be unhealthy for humans, but AVMA said that for pets, the situation may be worse.

"If you want to give your pet something interesting on Thanksgiving, buy them a special gift or make something specially for them from the store," the former president of AVMA, Dr. Douglas Kratt, told Fox Television. "I know the holidays are here and we want our pets to participate, but we must be careful." 

Generally, Kratt says that lean turkey and vegetables such as green beans, carrots, potatoes, sweet potatoes, and peas should be safe for your pet, assuming they have no sauces. 

November 28: A 10-week-old cute Border Terrier puppy eats in a dog bowl (Photo: Tim Graham/Getty Images)

However, Kratt pointed out that pet owners should be very careful when feeding their pets with human food. 

Many foods that are good for people are toxic to pets—including onions, raisins, and grapes. 

Many spices can also be harmful, including onion powder and garlic powder-they can cause blood disorders. 

Too much fat (which may include turkey or turkey skin) may make it difficult for your pet to digest and may even cause pancreatitis in some animals.

In addition, poultry bones can cause suffocation and damage the pet's digestive tract.

Finally, holiday candies may contain ingredients that are toxic to pets. For example, chocolate can be harmful to pets, and an artificial sweetener called xylitol — commonly used in chewing gum and sugar-free baked goods — can also be fatal if eaten by dogs or cats.

According to AVMA, signs of pet distress include: sudden changes in behavior, depression, pain, vomiting, or diarrhea.

"If they are farther away from us and it's atypical, or if they have some vomiting problems, if they have stomach upset, these are all things to look for," Klatt continued. "If they continue to pace, it's abnormal, or their posture is abnormal, that may be the problem." 

Related: Thanksgiving Dinner: The Origin of Our Traditional Food

The first thing to do is to pick up the phone, because AVMA says that moving fast can save lives.

If you think your pet has been poisoned or ate something that shouldn't be eaten, please call your veterinarian or local veterinary emergency room immediately. 

You may also want to call the ASPCA Poison Control Hotline. 

During the holiday season, guests come in and out, and some tourists will make your furry friends feel uneasy.

Some pets become shy or excited in front of strangers or crowds, so if you know your pet is nervous, put them in another room with your favorite toys. This may help reduce stress on the animal. 

Related: How long can you eat leftovers on Thanksgiving? USDA says 3 to 4 days

In addition, please make sure to put your trash in a place where pets cannot find it. Dispose of any turkey carcasses and bones-which can be fatal to your pet-and place them in a covered, sturdy garbage bag in an outdoor litter box.

Whether you take your pets with you or leave them behind, it is important to take precautions to protect them when traveling during the holidays. 

You will want to pack your pet, just like you pack yourself when you travel. Remember to bring your pet’s food, medication, medical records, information to help identify your pet’s loss, and first aid supplies.

If you travel across state or international borders, your pet will need a health certificate from your veterinarian. 

Understand the requirements of any states you will visit or pass through, and make an appointment with your veterinarian to obtain the required certificates within the time frame required by those states.

If you are traveling by air, AVMA says you should talk to your veterinarian first. Air travel puts some pets at risk, especially dogs with short noses. 

If you are traveling by car, please fasten your pet in a seat belt or carrier, away from any airbags. This will help protect your pets from accidental injuries and keep them away from any toxic food. In addition, never leave pets alone in the car, even for a short period of time. 

If you are fostering your dog, please consult your veterinarian to learn how to best protect your pet from canine flu

 And other infectious diseases, and make sure your pet is vaccinated with the latest vaccines. Also, plan ahead. Many kennels are booked, so make sure you have a plan in place. 

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