SouthCoast Santa Claus provides insight for Happy Saint Nick

2021-11-18 11:20:00 By : Ms. Yaofeng Jiangsu

I recently chatted with my friend Joe Dawicki, a respected member of the New England Santa Claus Association. We are discussing how the New Bedford Marine Corps Union and the Freemasonry in the New Bedford area collect children’s toys together, but it also made some interesting discussions about how to play the role of Santa Claus most effectively discussion.

"As Santa Claus, you will never promise anything to your children," he said. "When they asked for a pet, I told them Santa does not like to bring a puppy or kitten, because they will freeze in the bag, so it is best to go to the animal shelter with the family to pick one."

Why does an outstanding person in the community who have served on multiple citizenship committees and were adoptive parents want to get a degree from Santa Claus College?

"I just want to do good for others," Davik said. "The best part is when a child comes to Santa Claus for the first time. I enter their sight, and when they touch my beard or jingle, you will see real miracles."

In the true spirit of Christmas, Dawicki plays the role of magic and miracle, not payday.

"I would never do this for money," he said. "I will go to the hospital personally, or to the children's Freemasonry breakfast and activities, such as the Mataboset Fire Station, but I never conduct commercial activities."

The wisdom of Santa Claus that Dawicki must teach is more than that. Did you know that when Santa Claus answers "Well, I have to ask Mrs. Claus", it means that he is either stuck or doesn't want to answer this question?

He said that Santa Claus must be a very good listener, pay attention to the latest games and toys, and always strive to bring the message of hope to the children. "This is the whole purpose behind Toys for Tots," he said.

Tots for Tots is collecting toys, which will be distributed to children in New Bedford. The series is scheduled to be held at the corner of County and Lianhe Street from 10 am to 2 pm on Saturday, November 6.

Bring a new unwrapped toy and your camera to take a photo with Santa Claus. Of course, this ancient problem may appear once or twice, but Dawicki is ready.

"When a child asks if I am the real Santa Claus, how should I answer?" Davik said. "I asked them,'Are you the real you?'"