Our Christmas wish toy drive will return in 2021

2021-12-06 14:20:50 By : Ms. Helen Yue

Our Christmas wish toy car is back for another year! For those who don’t know, we hold a Christmas Wish event every year. With the help of all of you, the children in the Greater Danbury area will benefit, and we are very loyal listeners.

In another year, we will work with families and child assistance organizations to provide the best Christmas for as many children as possible. The mission behind Family & Children's Aid is:

Family & Children's Aid is a community-based non-profit organization that provides innovative responsive programs and services to heal and support children and families in crisis.

There are several ways to participate. You can buy toys on Amazon and ship them directly to our site, you can send them to our site, or you can make donations directly on the Family & Children's Aid website.

All toys sent to our station can be sent to the following address:

We will shut down our toy drives by Friday, December 17. As always, thank you for your contribution and generosity during each holiday. We cannot do this without you.