New York Insurance Company is prohibited from discriminating against certain people

2021-11-16 20:02:10 By : Mr. David Lee

People with so-called "bully dogs" and responsible pet owners are getting some protection from higher insurance premiums.

New York State Governor Kathy Hochul has signed legislation prohibiting insurance companies from rejecting insurance policies or raising premiums based solely on the breed of the owner’s dog.

Some owners of dogs such as bulldogs, rottweilers, and dobermans have been denied insurance for their homeowners, refused to renew their insurance, cancelled their insurance policies, or were told that they had to bear a huge liability insurance policy of one million dollars, just because they had some Dog breeds that people think are dangerous. Most incidents can be traced to irresponsible owners or even owners who trained their dogs to be aggressive.

When signing the bill, Governor Hochul said that pet owners should not be afraid of losing their insurance because the dogs they own and all breeds of dogs deserve a loved home.

Another bill requires veterinarians to report suspected animal cruelty to relevant authorities for investigation. The measure also protects the identities of these veterinarians and allows them to receive a copy of any reports generated so that they can also keep a record of the abuse.