McGruff the Crime Dog® cooperates with the US Patent and Trademark Office to combat counterfeit goods sold online

2021-12-06 14:59:19 By : Mr. Kevin Zhao

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The National Public Service Campaign launched: "You are smart. Buy smart."

Washington, November 30, 2021/PRNewswire/ - As part of the "Go For Real" anti-counterfeiting campaign, the National Crime Prevention Commission (NCPC) and the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) today released a series of advertisements to inform young people Buyers and their parents are in serious danger of buying fake products. These advertisements are aimed at combating the dangerous escalation of counterfeit products that deceive consumers and cause serious injuries and deaths, harm American businesses, and fund organized crime.

Experience the interactive multi-channel press release here:

The nationwide PSA campaign will start at the beginning of the 2021 holiday shopping season, especially when supply chain bottlenecks make counterfeiters dare to deceive American consumers.

The event specifically focused on stopping counterfeit electronic products, cosmetics and personal care products, and sports equipment. These advertisements show catastrophic mistakes in the purchase of counterfeit products, which are being introduced to more than 2,100 TV stations, social media, electronic billboards, online games, radio and music services, and other innovative ways to directly reach young people and young people.

"Fake goods can cause real harm," the public service advertisement warns. "Counterfeit products are illegal. They are fake and can cause damage to you, your property, and your wallet." The house is on fire.

"You are smart. Buy smart," advises the iconic McGruff the Crime Dog®, who has helped generations of Americans get rid of crime®. The new ad reinforces an online and in-school education program that provides teenagers and teenagers with tools to identify fakes.

"Online fakes pose a threat to the health and welfare of consumers, and to brand owners who invest a lot of time, research and investment in product quality," Drew Hirshfeld, who performs underlying functions and responsibilities Said the Secretary of Intellectual Property Commerce (IP) and the Director of the United States Patent and Trademark Office. "The U.S. Patent and Trademark Office is proud to work with the iconic McGruff® to help young buyers avoid fakes and stay safe by making informed decisions about what they buy."

"No young person wants to be deceived by counterfeit products," said Paul DelPonte, NCPC's executive director. "This sport has given them the skills to take a bite out of counterfeit goods. It will save lives and help stifle the growing global criminal activity." 

Counterfeit products, such as malfunctioning electronic products in advertisements, cause more than 70 deaths and more than 350,000 serious injuries each year. The USPTO estimates that global sales of counterfeit goods approach or exceed US$2 trillion, which exceeds income from the sale of illegal drugs or human trafficking.

The public service advertisement is produced by the award-winning television and production company FILMSTERS. This set of commercials will later be released in 2022 for McGrew's special animation production. A national celebrity audition contest is planned to choose the next voice of the crime dog.

Real sport

Since its launch in November 2019, the Go For Real campaign has raised Americans’ awareness of the dangers and harms of counterfeit and counterfeit products.

The event established a growing library of innovative creative materials, including a comprehensive 43-page online interactive "Dupe Detector" toolkit for teenagers. Convey information about smart shopping and online protection through challenges, tips, games, quizzes, and activity sheets.

The National Crime Prevention Commission is a non-profit organization for crime prevention. Our symbol of safety, McGruff the Crime Dog®, provides easy-to-use crime prevention techniques to protect the most important things-you, your family, and your community. For more information on how NCPC can become your public safety expert or how to "get rid of crime®", please visit

The United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) is a federal agency that grants US patents and registered trademarks. In the process, the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office fulfilled the authorization of Article I, Section 8, Section 8 of the Constitution, that is, the legislative branch "by ensuring that authors and inventors enjoy their exclusive rights within a limited period of time, thereby promoting scientific and practical The advancement of art". Their respective writings and discoveries. "This agency registers trademarks under the commercial provisions of the Constitution (Article 1, Article 8, Article 3). The United States Patent and Trademark Office provides information to the US President, Secretary of Commerce, and US government agencies on intellectual property (IP) policy, protection, and enforcement. Suggestions; and promote stronger and more effective intellectual property protection globally. Visit

SOURCE National Crime Prevention Commission

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