Last Call with Marissa Mulneix, dog owner, and her shelter rescue, Bama

2022-04-21 06:00:43 By : Yida Guitars

Cattle dog mix Bama (formerly Noah), made headlines last month when he became the ASPCA’s 200,000th shelter animal transported through their Animal Relocation Program, arriving at Second Chance Animal Services in North Brookfield from Mobile, Alabama. With such a title, it wouldn’t be long before the 1-year-old pup found a forever home, but Worcester resident Marissa Mulneix didn’t know about any of this when she saw him at the shelter. Mulneix was also a new arrival to the city, having moved here in February to be closer to her work as a set dresser, and it was love at first sight. Now Bama — named for his home state — enjoys accompanying Mulneix to work where he goes behind the scenes of TV shows and movies, including the latest season of "Dexter" and the upcoming film adaptation of Stephen King’s "Salem’s Lot." Mulneix sat down with Last Call to talk about Bama’s first week in his new home and speculate about his past. 

Describe your first interaction with Bama

I walked in not wanting a puppy. I was very honest with the shelter that I wanted a dog who was already pretty trained as well as good with other dogs, because I would be taking my dog to work. All the dogs were barking and he was the only quiet one. As I walked by, he just slowly got up and put his little paws on the cage door. At first I wasn’t sure because he seemed a little young, but when we went into that back yard, he just jumped into my arms and I melted. That’s when they told me that he was famous. I thought it made sense that a famous dog should be behind the scenes in set production. 

How’s it been getting to know each other?

He was quiet and unsure but very friendly from the get go. He slept at the foot of the bed his first night and slowly crept his way up for more cuddles. He has a crate, a couch, and a very expensive blanket, but he ignored all that and hopped onto the bed with me. 

He also gets highly offended when people don’t say "hi" to him. When people walk by, he’ll stop and just look after them and whine. I have to bribe him with a treat to go forward with the walk. 

What’s his favorite thing to do?

He lives to chase birds, it’s the only thing that makes me nervous on walks. The paws go up and the ears point and he’s ready. 

You mentioned he likes to sit on a pile of shoes — has he done that often? 

Yeah. As soon as I come home, he’ll grab my shoes and start playing with them. I’m very excited for this honeymoon phase to wear off and to see his true colors.

Is he your first dog?

He’s my first dog of my own. My family has had dogs growing up but this is my first one completely on my own. 

What made you take that first step to get a dog?

I moved here last February and I’ve always said if I don’t get a boyfriend, I’ll get a dog. But I got a boyfriend and still wanted a dog. I moved to Massachusetts to be closer to my film industry job — we work all over but it’s Central Mass. usually, so Worcester seemed like a good spot.

Any idea what his past was like?

We really don’t know. All of his paper work just says "found.” He’s from Mobile, Alabama, but I found that out when I just googled the 200,000th dog from ASPCA. My theory is he must have been a town dog that people just took care of because he’s so nice. I don’t think a true stray dog would be so kind and approachable. 

Sounds like you haven’t seen any phobias or issues then?

Yeah, aside from motor cycles or trucks, he doesn’t even mind loud noises much. I even took him to work and he loved seeing all the people and watching the construction and everything.

He appears to be of mixed heritage — tell me about that

A bit of cattle dog and basenji — it’s an African hunting dog, at least according to the shelter. So I’ll roll with it. He definitely has strong herding instincts — he herds me on walks so it’s a lot of hand switching with the leash. 

So do people in the set design business take their pets to work?

I’d say lots of people in the film industry take their pets to work — even office workers on the production side. Last production had this little prop dog — a chihuahua — who quietly sat on set and never made a peep. That’s really what made me want to get a dog — seeing these other set dogs. We have these things called deckers — carts we use to wheel props around the set and he’s just adopted some of those as his nap spot. 

How did you decide to name him after his state?

He was very quiet — and I always associate that with Noahs. But he’s not a Noah — he’s pretty mouthy. Also, he definitely didn’t know the name Noah or I wouldn’t have changed it. 

What’s next for Bama?

I have 12 weeks of training classes coming up and after that I want to put him in some kind of agility course because I think he needs a purpose. 

Has his behavior surprised you in any way?

He’s so smart. I got this ball — it’s a type of ball that you attach to the ceiling with a string — he caught the ball, then started chewing on the string right away. Got to get a lot of interactive toys for him.

That people should go adopt because they could be very surprised at the dogs they get.